My fashion blog
This will just be somewhere I write about fashion stuff that I'm personally making or wearing, as well as things that I find that inspire me.
It's something I've newly been into this year, mostly because I finally figured out my gender stuff and it's a lot easier to get excited about fashion now that
I can wear the clothes I feel comfortable in.
Looks Gallery
Outfits I've been rockin lately, I need to get back into making stuff I've been a little too busy
So yeah this was a cute pic but kind of an important and emotional picture I took, cause its the first time I think ever that I've looked at myself smiling in a picture and liked the way it looked. I figured out how to do that smile after that and now I smile all the time, the rest of my life I've actively avoided smiling. Crazy. I call it my lil' stinker smile
Got this 90's jacket from a coworker and I love it its such a bold look but has a slender cut that's hard to find in modern jackets
This was my first time doing the full trad goth white foundation makeup, I really liked this look. Wish I'd liked the movie...
I went to the queer salon and asked them to give me a cut that says "goth but bisexual" and they nailed it
Date look I wore one night. My mom got me this bigass coat for xmas, I was skeptical cause its definitely too large but its absolutely grown on me
Early Transition Looks Gallery
I'm considering deleting these cause I don't really like looking back at myself early transition before I figured out my look, but I'll make that decision later
These are some projects I've worked on or outfits and makeup I've been happy with recently.
This dress is one of my first big sewing projects. I learned a whole lot doing it. The stretch knit fabric was a bit challenging to work with.
I saw a bat shirt like this on instagram made by a small clothing design studio. It was pretty expensive and limited (as it should be), and I thought I'd try making my own. It was one of my very first sewing projects. I don't think it came out great but it was fun!
I've been doing so much experimentation with looks as I've been transitioning. Not everything ends up sticking, this look didn't, but I felt good in it and its been a really fun process.
Just a makeup look I felt good about. I got the sword necklace and ear cuffs from some local witchy artists. I got a thing for swords ⚔
I had wiped on makeup remover after a long day and I looked at the mirror before washing it off and it was such a look I had to take some selfies. Happy accidents!
My millenial brain has such a hard time believing that these pants (and y2k style in general) is back in fashion, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can cause I miss it.